Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

Transferable Skills - What Experience Can You Offer a Prospective Employer?

Values and positive qualities are all very important when you are on the job hunt as these are form part of the job seeker's toolkit to offer a prospective employer. And so are transferable skills which are the skills you gained from the valuable experiences you had while working at a job you maybe hated and the jobs that came before it, and not just jobs, but every area of your life. The importance is that you don't start from scratch each time but you build on the past as you move forward to something new.

What Are Transferable Skills?

Transferable skills are your skills you've gained from jobs, volunteer work, hobbies, sports, and other life experiences; skills that can be used in your next job or new career. In addition to being useful to career changers, defining your transferable skills is also important to those who are facing redundancy (and looking for another step), to new graduates entering the workforce, to those returning to work after an extended absence...

Examples of transferable skills are, for example, your ability to:

• Plan and arrange events and activities

• Delegate tasks to others

• Motivate others

• Attend to visual detail

• Deal with obstacles and crises

• Multi-task

• Present material orally

• Manage time

• Repair equipment or machinery

• Keep records

• Handle complaints

If you haven't had a job before you need to look at your life experiences to give you a clue; look back at the list above, doesn't it describe some of the skills a mother has? Don't dismiss any experience you have had! If you've never been out to work before, don't forget that you worked very hard in the home. I once saw a comparison of a managing director's job description and that of a housewife/mother and whose job do you think was the most challenging and most skillful?

How to Identify Your Transferable Skills

You need to be quite disciplined about this so that you come up with a comprehensive list that you can include in your CV for example or talk about in a job interview.

1 Make all list of all the jobs/'experiences' you have had

2 Take each one in turn and write down the skills you used

3 Rate your level of skill (and don't be modest). Give a 'beginner', 'experienced' or 'advanced' rating to each

4 Make a composite list when you've been through each one starting with the advanced skills

5 Tick the skills you especially enjoy using as this can help you in your job search

Don't wait! Sign up for a FREE two-part webinar series for women when we will look at the issue of self confidence and how to get more of it. Places limited so book here for a place "Get Confident, Get Going or How to Take Tactical Steps To Build Confidence"

Kamis, 03 Agustus 2017

5 Valuable Tips to Empower Your Feminine Nature

Women are always caring and nurturing others but tend to downplay their own needs and desires. We get busy nurturing our mates, children, parents, and friends forgetting that we are important and need to be nurtured as well. Do you ever feel as if you are struggling to be the housewife, career woman, and mother and feel disappointment that you can't seem to get it all under control? Well, lose that thought for now. Have some fun and bring out the sexy woman you are! It is important that we make time for ourselves and care for the feminine essence of who we are. So the first thing we need to do is take time and take some action to bring out our feminine nature and empower the wonderful, feminine woman that we are.

1. Make 1 day a day just for you. Go to an exercise class, then to a massage and pedicure. Or you can do something different at a day spa that you haven't done, possibly a special facial or skin treatment. Luxuriate while you are having a treatment. Think about how you used to feel before all the responsibilities in your life. When you go home put something on that makes you feel sexy and greet your mate with a big sexy kiss.

2. Throw out all the old underwear, and go on a little shopping splurge for some newer, more up to date silky feminine undergarments. Enjoy the way they feel against your skin. Pretend you are 20 again.

3. Try something new, like a belly dancing class or pole dancing class. After you have learned the routine, then do a show for your mate. Feel the feminine part of you and enjoy each move you make. Imagine a fantasy with your mate.

4. Send the kids to a friend's house for a Saturday. Spend your day reading a sensual, romantic novel. Then spend a long hour in a bubble bath, even better a bubble bath with candles. Put on one of your new sexy undergarments and tease your mate.

5. Even when you are having a chaotic day make sure you put on some make-up and lip gloss and some jewelry, it's bound to make you feel like the woman you should.

Celebrate your femininity and empower your feminine side!